NIKKI SIXX Quits Twitter, Facebook

Former MOTLEY CRUE bassist Nikki Sixx is celebrating his 58th birthday by saying goodbye to two of his popular social media accounts, apparently deleting his Twitter page and announcing his departure from Facebook.

I wanna get back to what’s real,” he says in his farewell post. “Writing music, lyrics, books, photography etc. etc… If ya wanna follow me, I post photos on Instagram… otherwise see you live next time I go on tour… much love.”
Sixx was among the most prolific, witty, outspoken and accessible major artists on social media, with nearly one and a half million Facebook followers and over 744,000 on Twitter, where he posted nearly 21,000 tweets.
As stated above, SIxx’s Instagram page, with the catchy handle nikkisixxpixx, features nearly 4,000 pictures demonstrating his photography skills. (“I’m a recovering addict. Cameras are my new drug,” he explained on his Tumblr page.)
It’s been nearly a year since MOTLEY CRUE ended their career with a New Year’s Eve show in their hometown of Los Angeles – a concert which is now available as the home video The End.

Sixx has been quite active since then with his new main band, SIXX: A.M., who toured around the world and released two different albums (Prayers for the Damned and Prayers for the Blessed) in 2016.

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