NO DOUBT Members and AFI’s Davey Havok Announce New Band Name

NO DOUBT’s Tom Dumont, Tony Kanal, Adrian Young and AFI’s Davey Havok have announced the name of their new collaboration. The band posted the name using their new Instagram account. The Havok-fronted foursome will be called DREAMCAR.

During an interview with KROQ-Los Angeles’ Stryker in February, Havok was quick to clarify he was not a substitute for Gwen Stefani. “I’m not singing for No Doubt.” He ashamedly admits the band does not have a name yet but they do in fact “have a lot of great songs” that he’s excited about. “We have songs that are fully complete. No name, but complete songs. And, it’s just a great time. It’s really fun. I don’t know what to call it. It’s great. I think people will really like it.”
Drummer Adrian Young confirmed to in June that the band is “One of the most exciting things I’ve been a part of.” But what direction the band is taking musically, he wouldn’t say.
But according to the social media posts today, fans of both bands will finally hear the new collaboration in 2017.
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