No support acts for the MACHINE HEAD show in Sofia on 13 May

The Bay Area metal giants MACHINE HEAD will bring their Burn My Eyes 25th anniversary tour to Sofia, Bulgaria.

The show at the Universiada hall on 13 May 2020 is promoted by radio TANGRA MEGA ROCK.

Tickets priced 50 BGN are available through

Building on their wildly popular An Evening With… format, this not-to-be-missed show will be a three-hour musical extravaganza, comprised of two parts:
Part I – will feature a battery of MACHINE HEAD’s modern classics, such as ‘Imperium,’ ‘Halo,’ and, ‘The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears,’ featuring frontman/guitarist Robb Flynn and bassist Jared MacEachern performing alongside two more ragers on guitar and drums.
Part II – will feature the Bay Area band’s classic debut album, Burn My Eyes played in its entirety for the first time ever. And if somehow this historical event could not be monumental enough, taking the stage for this part of the set will be Burn My Eyes-era alumni and MACHINE HEAD’s original drummer Chris Kontos and original guitarist, Logan Mader.
So there is no room for a supporting act. Thank you all for your submissions.
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