OBITUARY frontman John Tardy has posted the following message on the band’s official web site:
“Things are moving right along with the [live] DVD [that was recorded in Poland in August]. DT [drummer Donald Tardy] and I spent the week at the RedRoom [studio] with Mark Prator mixing the audio portion of the DVD. We expect the first round of the video on Tuesday, so we can start to work with that. If everything goes well we are trying to release it December-January. So far it sounds pretty heavy and I am really getting excited. I still can’t believe we have waited this long to do one but, that is just the way it worked out.”
Check out pictures from the mixing sessions at this location.
OBITUARY‘s first-ever live DVD was filmed on August 24 at the Stodola Club in Warsaw, Poland. The set will include a seven-camera shoot of the show plus an interview conducted the day before the gig, on August 23. It will be issued via Metal Mind Productions.
Check put pictures from the DVD shoot at this location.
OBITUARY‘s latest CD, “Frozen in Time“, was released in July 2005 via Roadrunner Records.