PORCUPINE TREE release video for Of The New Day

UK prog rockers PORCUPINE TREE have released a video for brand new song Of The New Day, which you can watch below. 

Of The New Day is taken from Closure/Continuation, the band’s first new album since 2009’s The Incident, and which will be released through Music For Nations on June 24.
Of the New Day is a song of rebirth, emerging from darkness,” explains Steven Wilson of the new song. “It sounds deceptively simple, a recognisably atypical Porcupine Tree ballad. That is until you realise that the length of the bars is constantly changing, flipping between bars of regular 4/4 time to 3/4, to 5/4 to 6/4, 11/4, so that the track never settles into any steady time.
It’s what Porcupine Tree can sometimes do really well, come up with a basic idea that’s almost intellectual or mathematical, but carry it off in a way that sounds completely natural and accessible. At least I hope there’s no sense of us being clever for the sake of it, or putting technique over musicality. That is unless you want to specifically home in on that side of the composition.”
  • Source: loudersound.com