Protesters Make U2 Frontman BONO Run For His Life

 U2 frontman Bono has recalled running for his life from protestors who shouted “Make Bono history” after him.

The singer and activist has been a supporter of the Make Poverty History series of campaigns since they began in 2005.

But the slogan was turned on him recently in Germany.

He tells The Guardian:

I was chased down the street by a bunch of anarchists wielding placards and shouting ‘Make Bono history!’ – which, even as I was running for my life, I thought was a pretty good line.”

In the same week, he says, he was also booed by young entrepreneurs in Tanzania, who believed he was arguing for Africa to be seen as a place in permanent need of charity.

They thought I was peddling this idea of a supplicant Africa, which could not be further from the truth,” he says.

So we’re doing something right: we’re annoying capitalists in Africa and anti-capitalists in Europe.”

Bono admits his political activities have adversely affected U2′s profile over the years.

The band thought this would sink the ship 10 years ago – hanging out with politicians and corporations is very unhip work.

But I think the U2 audience have turned out to be incredibly subtle in their understanding. We have a relationship now with our audience that exists outside the media.

When you have been singing into somebody’s ear for 20 years through a set of headphones, people tend to know if you are an asshole or not. Public opinion does not drive U2′s audience.”

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