SLAYER: ‘The Repentless Killogy’ Theatrical Trailer Unveiled

SLAYER‘s upcoming two-part film, Slayer: The Repentless Killogy, will premiere in theaters in November, just weeks before their touring career comes to an end.

The project consists of a short film that begins with the music videos “You Against You,” “Repentless” and “Pride in Prejudice” in chronological order. The film continues in narrative style, featuring several of the actors who were featured in the music videos, like Jason Trost, who stars as the main character Wyatt, and Danny Trejo. The second part of the release is a video of the band’s entire August 2017 live set at the Los Angeles Forum.

The Repentless Killogy will premiere at 1,500 theaters around the world for one night only on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Tickets go on sale Oct. 9, get them here. Following the premiere, it will be available Nov. 8 in digital form and on Blu-ray, and the audio from the Los Angeles show will be available on CD and vinyl.
The film was written and directed by BJ McDonnell, who worked on the music videos previously as well. “When we set out to do these initial three videos, our intention was to continue the saga of Slayer and Wyatt at some point down the line,” McDonnell said in a statement. “But this is the band’s final album and world tour so this story, the three videos and the ‘Repentless’ live concert at The Forum, is a perfect way to wrap up. This is the end of the monsters.”
SLAYER recently released a live video of “Repentless” from Killogy to showcase what the rest of the film will have in store for fans of one of the most legendary metal bands of all time. They came in with a bang and they’re ending with one, too.


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