SLIPKNOT’s Joey Jordison Named Best Drummer Of The Last 25 Years By Rhythm Magazine

Congratulations to Joey (Jordison, MURDERDOLLS) for being named the Greatest Drummer Of The Last 25 Years by the readers of UKВ Rhythm magazine.

Rhythm recently polled all of their readers to vote on the 20 best drummers of the last quarter century and Joey was crowned number #1, taking an insane 37% of the total vote! A masked metal messiah. Ever since blast beating his way into the drum world back in 1999 as Slipknot unleashed their stunning debut, Joey has cemented himself as the master of metal playing. Lightning fast-yet-supremely-technical, Joey has proven himself equally adept outside of the confines of Slipknot, having worked with Korn, Rob Zombie, Murderdolls and more, as well as stepping in to save the day at the last minute when depping for Lars Ulrich at Download 2004.

Like Travis Barker, Joey has branched out beyond drumming, enjoying success as a producer and even appearing in a handful of movies. However, for us, he’ll always be a drum legend first and foremost, and it looks like you agree with us as he was the runaway winner of our Greatest Drummer of the Last 25 Years poll, taking an amazing 37% of the votes. That means that the Slipknot man earned more than 38,000 votes in just seven days on his way to being crowned as the finest drummer of the last quarter of a Century.


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