Sofia’s Independent Music Scene Resurrects

Next week, Mr. Burian Maslev shall be Vassil Varbanov’s special guest in the show Varbanov Supermarket (aired daily between 10 AM and 2 PM on Tangra Mega Rock Radio).

The main topic of the conversation shall be the resurrection of the so-called Independent Music Scene in Sofia. Up until last year it used to be located at the O!Shipka Club – the most suitable venue for live shows of indie musicians in Bulgaria’s capital. Unfortunately, some months ago the club got transformed into… something else, so the scene declined.

However, let the past rest in piece and better concentrate on the near future. The place where the abovementioned revival shall start is a local club called Alcohol. Situated downtown, on Rakovski Street near the tiny but well-known Crystal Park, this venue shall make an effort to turn into an underground institution by promoting live shows of indie bands in Sofia every Monday and Tuesday, beginning from next week, and…

Well, just tune on to Varbanov Supermarket and you’ll find out more about it.

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