SVETLYO & THE LEGENDS announce new album title

And it’s ‘O, Penis!’

Svetlyo Vitkov and Ventsi Mitsov announced the title of their forthcoming album last Friday, when they popped in during TMR’s ‘Jitball’ show to give us some updates.

If all goes well, the album should be out this Autumn,” said Mitsov and added that four songs have already been recorded. The band’s debut album ‘Bulgarno’ came free with various newspaper editions.

We won’t be doing that again.” said Vitkov. “The album will probably be sold online only, which is why we’re currently constructing the band’s website.

This won’t be a digital download release though, fans will be able to order a CD from the site.

LEGENDS в студиото на Тангра Мега Рок

Svetlyo & the Legends play the Jack Daniel’s Rock stage at Spirit of Burgas 2010 on August 14.

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