SYSTEM OF A DOWN Discuss Upcoming Projects

SYSTEM OF A DOWN will be going on an indefinite hiatus following their appearance at this summer’s Ozzfest.
For guitarist Daron Malakian and bassist Shavo Odadjian, it’s SCARS ON BROADWAY, a fresh collective that’s still very much in progress but should start working on material this fall.

“It’s going to be another band that both me and Shavo are in, and we’re going to try and go places we haven’t with SYSTEM,” Malakian explained to “Each [SYSTEM] bandmember has his own thing he wants to do. Shavo has films he plans on working on too. So we all have artistic itches we want to get through, and I think these are healthy ways to do it. We’ve been around for 12 years, so it’s nice for us to break a little free and come back and hopefully appreciate [being in SYSTEM] more someday. We’re not putting any timelines on it.


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