The DROPKICK MURPHYS show in Sofia kicks off tonight

The DROPKICK MURPHYS concert due to take place in Sofia on tonight is shaping up as this Summer’s most hotly anticipated event. 

Due to the overwhelming public demand, additional measures are being taken with a view to providing extra SECURITY and COMFORT for everyone at the concert. Thus Five venue Entrances will be open for general admission. 

DISABLED/WHEELCHAIR ACCESS – via the Winter Palace VIP entrance, located on the back of the venue (facing the Vitosha mountain). Ticket holders in need of their special tickets can call our exclusive hotline 0886 660-311

All tickets will be scanned in detail. COUNTERFEIT tickets will be seized on the spot and you will NOT be admitted to the show. 

Tickets priced 65 BGN are still available through, and and will go up to 70 BGN on the day.

Doors open at 6.00 pm, with support artist FRANK TURNER hitting the stage at 7:45 pm followed by DROPKICK MURPHYS – curfew is 11 pm!  

There will be Free Admission for CHILDREN AGED 10 OR UNDER with parents/guardians. 


– professional film and/or photo cameras and recording equipment; 
– large kitbags/sports bags;
– beverages from outside;
– firearms, sharp objects (such as knives, forks etc.); 
– individuals deemed to be aggressive, heavily inebriated or under the influence of drugs.


Smoking is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the venue including for electronic cigarettes! Violators will be expelled from the concert.


In addition to the regular toilet facilities at the venue, there will be a sufficient number of portable toilets installed especially for this show to cater for the huge audience;
– there will be four bars inside the venue, selling mineral water and festival beverages;
– the official merch stand will be located in front of the main entrance. 

From all of us at Tangra Mega Rock – thank you for all the love, goodwill and kind wishes you showered upon us for our 13th birthday! We are delighted to have you here, celebrating it with us! 


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