As previously reported, MACACO will close the fifth edition of Sounds of The Ages 2015.

The Barcelona band will play on 20 September at the Roman theater in Plovdiv.

Dani Darbonell
, ex-Magia Animal, Dr. No, and Ojos de Brujo Macaco joined La Hermandad Chirusa, a band formed by talented musicians from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Spain, to make his first solo record. Playing a mixture of rap, rhumba, pop, funk, and reggae, Macaco’s El Mono en el Ojo del Tigre was released by Edel in 1999, featuring a song called “Veraveraboom,” which was later remixed by David Byrne. In the following decade, Macaco continued to work with countless musicians to create music that entered the realms of reggae, rap, electronica, and world music on albums Rumbo Submarino (2001), Entre Raíces y Antenas (2004), Ingravitto (2006), Puerto Presente (2009), and the greatest-hits collection El Vecindario (2010). Macaco then released El Murmullo del Fuego in 2012, once again showing that the group’s creativity was as strong as ever.

TICKETS priced 40 BGN (regular) and 60 BGN (golden circle) are already available via – here.

They will go up to 50 and 70 BGN on the day.

Here’s the program of Sounds of The Ages 2015:

12 September – 2 CELLOS;
18 September – APOCALYPTICA;
19 September – OPETH and Orchestra;
20 September – MACACO.

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