“I tried to ger Brian May to play some lead guitars, but the problem is… he’s Brian May, you know,” revealed Edguy’s Tobias SammetВ about the upcoming album by his project Avantasia yesterday.
“Brian is one of the most important guitar players of all time, so I wanted to get him, but not by approaching him with a demo, so I decided to finish the songs first. So we produced and mixed the album, and then we sent him a song and asked him whether he’d like to play on it. He said, “It’s agreat song, but at the moment it’s a bit bad with my schedule,” and we had just one week to get the material back, so it didn’t work out. I don’t know if he was just bullshitting, but that’s what he said.”
AВ full trascript of Tangra Mega Rock’s conversation with Tobi is available HERE.