Topless Photo of Paramore’s Hayley Williams Posted Online

Can you say oops? Paramore’s singer Haley Williams’s Twitter followers received an exciting update on Thursday night when a nude photo of Haley was posted on her page at the short attention span social media site.
Haley Williams reportedly discovered that the topless photo was posted to her Twitter account and quickly removed it but she’s learning the hard way that once it’s on the internet, it stays there with the photos already circulating online. But it appears her lawyers were working late sending out take down notices to various sites.

Hayley’s later posted a Twitter post where she said, “well… my night just changed drastically. got hacked,” according to Right Celebrity, who also report that “the twitpic quickly got over 5,000 views before being removed.”

Earlier in the night her account was updated with this quote “Security is mostly superstition… ..Life is but a daring adventure, or nothing.” Was that just the irony of life or perhaps it was the alleged hacker sending a message?


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