Trailer for ‘He Never Died’ Starring HENRY ROLLINS is available

Henry Rollins has always been a multi-purpose icon. From fronting Black Flag to the Rollins Band to author and spoken word speaker and talk show host and other kind of show host to DJ to columnist, world traveler, etc., etc. And occasionally, he acts. He had bit parts in films like Johnny Mnemonic and Bad Boys II, and even a substantial role as neo-nazi AJ Weston in the TV series Sons Of Anarchy.

But that sort of thing is usually kind of like Michael Jordan’s baseball career. It’s not often that a musician like Henry Rollins gets the shot to lead a picture, one that isn’t lame anyway, but this combination looks like a rare case: Rollins as the immortal Cain, as in the biblical Cain, the first human born, and the first to kill. 
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