Ugly Kid Joe premiered the first single from their forthcoming 6 track EP earlier in the week, when singer Whitfield Crane played a song called ‘Love Ain’t True’ on 107.7 FM’s The Bone.
The band had success in the early 90’s with hits like “Everything About You,” “Neighbor,” and their Harry Chapin cover of “Cat’s In The Cradle.” Ugly Kid Joe’s last album was the independently released Motel California in 1996.
Although the lyrical content of “Love Ain’t True” fits what I’d expect from Ugly Kid Joe, I have to say that my first impression of the new song isn’t favorable. The song is a rap/metal hybrid and the vocalist doesn’t even sound like Whitfield Crane to me (although apparently it is him singing on it). Perhaps they should have chosen a song that fit their traditional sound better to reintroduce themselves? Check it out for yourself at the Youtube below.В В