VASSIL VARBANOV to commentate RUGBY on Eurosport Again

The rugby world cup women starts toda with the first game to be live onВ Bulgarian Europsort 2.

All the commentaries will be done by Tangra Mega Rock’s Vassil Varbanov.

The games today:

16:00В Wales – Рђustralia
16:15В New ZealandВ – South Africa
20:30В England – Ireland

Емили Скарат
England star Emily Scarratt

Vassil Varbanov started his rugby as a kid. During the late 80s and early 90s he was an important part of some of Bulgaria’s biggest rugby clubs. In 2002 Varbanov and New Zealand Maori, Murray Te Huki founded and international rugby club, based in Sofia – the Murphy’s Misfits.

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