VIDEO exclusive: DEEP PURPLE – Vincent Price

Deep Purple show their humorous side with this black-and-white horror-film homage featuring vampires, mummies, Frankenstein’s monster and… a pole-dancing nun in stockings and suspenders?

Also, watch out for the appearance of waxwork figures of the band towards the end of a clip. (And a no-prize for anyone who can tell us when DP were last immortalised in wax? Not to mention ex-guitarist Ritchie Blackmore in stockings and suspenders?)

Vincent Price is taken from the Purps’ latest album NOW What?! and bassist Rover Glover professes himself delighted with the new Bon Ezrin-produced offering:

I’ve been playing it myself for pleasure because I love the mix,” he says. “I love what we did. I’m proud of the record. It’s very difficult to come up with something that’s fresh and new, yet still retains the character of who you are and who you have been for the last 40-odd years. I hope we’ve achieved that.


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