Watch a Never-Before-Seen Video by DEFTONES

It’s quite a pleasure when ancient, hidden content from a band pops up online, be it with or without the musicians’ permission. Either one of those cases occurred today, with an official, 15-years-old video by DEFTONES showing up on YouTube without much notice.

It’s common for any musical act to record more material than they end up actually using, be it audio or visual content, leaving small gems to be slowly uncovered over the years.

When DEFTONES recorded the video for their 1998 single Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away), which can be seen here, they apparently took the opportunity of the background they had available and made a second vid, for the acoustic version of the track.

It’s a minimalist video, featuring frontman Chino Moreno singing the song under a bridge, but a cool dose of nostalgia nonetheless.

Little is known so far regarding how or why this remained hidden for this long, or how exactly it got uncovered, but you can watch the never-before-released footage below:


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