Our famous metal conductor LEVON MAUNYAN last Sunday presented with the AGBU Sofia chamber orchestra the music of SYSTEM OF A DOWN.
The ‘TOGETHER FOR ARMENIA’ online concert is now avalable for streaming below with SERJ TANKIAN himsel taking part with a short video message.
(Starts at 3:43)
The show will benefit Armenian families affected by the Artsakh war.
All donated funds will be donated directly to Armenian families affected by the hostilities in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh). In the nearly 6-week war, thousands of Armenian men lost their lives, many children got orphaned and tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes in Artsakh to save their lives.
You may donate via bank transfer or drop your donation at the AGBU office. For other ways to donate or proposals, please contact the AGBU at: agbu@agbubg.org.
IBAN: BG40 STSA 9300 0026 7057 98 – BGN
IBAN: BG82 STSA 9300 0026 7063 03 – USD
Subject: Donation for Armenia
Bank: DSK
Beneficiary name: AGBU Sofia