WHO’S gonna ride RAMMSTEIN’s tour support slot in Europe in 2009?

You should know them pretty well. They had a blasting performanceВ at theВ GORGON ELECTRO MINI FEST IIIВ last March in Sofia, Bulgaria!

COMBICHRIST are total freaks and this is probably the reason they were chosenВ to open for all theВ 30 datesВ of RAMMSTEINВ in Europe this year.В The tour starts on 8 November in LisbonВ and will run up to 21 December’s concert in Berlin.

The tour of the German superstars will be relaunched onВ 2 February in Manchester, but with no details onВ who’ll take over the supporting slot. CHECK ALL THE DATES!В В В 


Andy LaPlegua is a hybrid between Keith Flint, the Joker and God knows what else…Whatever it is, it’s wicked and works extremely well. He attacks the stage along with a deranged trio made up of drummer, percussionist and some crazy nutter on synth. They produce an almighty thunderstorm of techno/industrial/punk/metal/noiseTBM fabulousity to rip our fucking heads off.
“This is the very first time we’re playing in Bulgaria…and it’s amazing!” – annonces Andy in between songs, moved, if not to tears, then at least to a menacing growl. A mass of dyed hair, corsetry and platform boots bounces ecstatically down below.” -wrote our crazeВ Nick The Stripper in his report for theВ COMBICHRIST show in Sofia.В Read the ENTIRE REPORT!В 

Meanwhile,В RAMMSTEIN will their long-awaited new studio album ‘Liebe ist fГјr alle da’ on 16 October and there will be a new GORGON FEST in Sofia this Friday (9 October)В – this time headlined by Italians ofВ ATARAXIA!


  • Source: rammstein.de