Win tickets for the DIMMU BORGIR concert in Kavarna – PART 4

You will face a new question here every single day, regarding the Dimmu Borgir world. And you will have to send your answers toВ

If you answer all the 5 questions, you will have a serious chance to WIN a free ticket for the big DIMMU BORGIR concert in Kavarna – Bulgaria on August 15th. And here comes


In 2007, the band received the most important musical award in rhythmic music in Norway – The Alarm. They won teh award Golden disk for the ‘Insorte Diaboli’ album. The question is – who presented them with the award?

a) Chris Cornell

b) Bill Gould

c) Varg Vikernes

d) Groucho Marx

For the right answers of questions 1,2 & 3 go to this location.

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