5 years TANGRA MEGA ROCK – SICK OF IT ALL, Deafness By Noise, Delate


SICK OF IT ALL, Deafness By Noise, Delate
07.04.2011,В ‘4 РљРњ’ Party center, Sofia

words byВ Stefan YordanovВ – Stiff, photo:В Elena NenkovaВ 

This is like some infinite holiday, this 5th birthday. We don’t want it to end at all, especially after that concert last night. Everyone who can tell his head from his arse knows that SOIA are the musical equivalent of an energy drink overdose- time runs faster and limbs fly in all directions.

It all started in 20.00 with DELATE, who had the balls to put up in front of mere 30 or so people. They showed no hesitation and finished their set with a great cover version of a SKINFLICK tune. Then they left the stage despite the few chants asking for more.


DEAFNESS BY NOISE are definitely into old school. They have short and direct songs, much like hymns, but with a lot of melody in them.

I’m not sure if I could listen to them for more than half an hour but they stirred the crowd so easily that you can’t help but think that’s what a support band needs to do best.


In 21.45 we all heard the air-raid sirens that open the SOIA shows for the last year or so. I have seen them 3 times for the last year in 3 different situations – as headliners of WFF in front of 15 000 people , in front of 2000 people on the Persistence Tour 2010 in Berlin and in front 350 people at Party Centre “4 КМ” in Sofia. I’m saying this because SOIA can deal with arenas and small clubs.

Forget about those mega bands that always tell you that it doesn’t matter to them whether they play in front of 200 or 20 000 people. Do you think Metallica or Iron Maiden have played in front of 200 recently. Nah!

SOIA are fuckin incredible! On the very moment they started Lou Koller was already like a wind-up toy. He looks perfect – he’s athletic, energetic and seems to be tireless. His brother is even better. Pete is jumping all the time. He jumps so muxh that he practically spends half of the time in the air.


‘Good Lookin’ Out’ was the prefect start, but it was the third song, ‘Uprising Nation’ that woke up the dead. Until ‘Step Down’ I kept thinking that the crowd is catching up with the band in terms of energy, which is weird, you know?

There were some interesting episodes of course. At one point there was this guy going up on stage hugging Lou and whispering something in his ears. Lou turned around and said “Hey, why are you kissing my neck?” Two songs later they found a pair of cargo pants on the stage and Lou guessed it was something Bulgarian. 


Before the band started playing ‘District’ they asked how many of us were going to work the next day. The others, they guessed, must had been students. “We’ve been students for the last 25 years”- said the front man.

Yep, SOIA are celebrating quarter of a century on stage these days. And because they are the inventors of the so called Wall Of Death, there was no way during an ukltra heavy riff not to divide the crowd into two parts and celebrate ‘Scratch The Surface’ with a brutal melee.


SOIA are not MANOWAR (fortunately), but they gave their fan Koko a chance to sing with them for about 2 minutes

It was exactly one hour of purest energy. No bullshit. No fillers. They gave us what they promised to give- no more and no less. No explanations, no encores. That was a short but essential gig of a hardcore legend. That was a band that you need to see to swallow. Well, it’s not so bad, this hardcore music.



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