Cherry Poppin’ Daddies Live in Sofia

“Go! Go!” And we went, with full throttle with the “Pink Cadillac” with Kolyo Gillan on the wheel, to chase the dizzy spirit of the swing. Yeah, what a party! Hell lot of moods, many, many people and killer bands turned the night of 13th of December to a colorful blast of dances and music. For the first time in Bulgaria here came such a band. And not just any band but the main party makers of today’s swing scene – Cherry Poppin’ Daddies. And this wonder of wonders woke up two other marvels, KGB and Skoda, live, in 2008. Say it again? That’s right – swing it, baby!

The Cadillac drives smooth and flies on the highway between Sofia and Chicago while KGB served the first doze of dancing rhythms. “This night we are playing for first time for six years. Tenk you! Today I thought I was prepared to speak only on “English” but it seems it is too hard.” Yes, Kolyo was in great humour, he made laugh and fun and with his band they did not warm but fired up the audience before from the Cadillac we leaped into the psycho Skoda.


Skoda made of the most wanted reunions in Bulgaria and the people in the crowded “Blue Box” went crazy. And if you haven’t seen it live, you have to know that you have missed a lot. It is hard to render on words the frenetic stage behavior of Tzetzo the Tinsel. Imagine… imagine… well, imagine a blown out tinsel. But in human form, total lack of control over the body, deep and hearty singing on the edge between the blues, the swing and the rock and roll and much, much, much of devotion. As he confessed himself: “Fuck, when you are devoted, you sweat, when you are much devoted, you sweat a lot. And when you are devoted on “the jolly greens”… Well, the crops of the greens that our favorite Skoda carries is of the most crazed out variety. And on the stage – a madhouse. Before it – an explosion. Conclusion? More apt choice of the Bulgarian band just is not possible. KGB showed class, retro party and threw down the raincoats for a sly inner exhibitionism on the background of the bright brass section and the Skodillac carried a resonant musical slap out of few dimensions and one or two pro mills away of the visual world, to fire asses, cigarettes and joints.


It was half past ten. And suddenly on the stage returned the tireless Tzetzo and with great pleasure he presented Merry Poppins Jedies… no, not the Jedies, Cherry Poppin’ Daddies! And from there it was a mess.

Steve Perry took the band out, the night from heated burst into flames and the crowd erupted and in the narrow club there did not remain a part without swinging hands and feet and squatting and jumping happy people. Swing, slight breath of rockabilly and short lyrical passages for the ladies shook the bodies of more than 500 people, adroitly presented by the natty Americans on the stage. And the stage… it is good that “Blue Box” gives space of the bands because the ever smiling Perry did not stop for a moment his wild dances and he poured waves of temper to the crowd in front of him. Motley dressed up people threw hats, swung and danced wildly and at a moment the Sofia club reminded of a ballroom from the first half of the 20th Century somewhere in the western seaside of America. The elegant suits o the stage yet almost cracked on the seams from the ceaseless energy that was flowing from the 8 guests. Trumpets and saxophones blew with raging speed the rhythm of the bass and the drums and the guitar and the keyboards chased the mad melodies while Steve was singing songs of whiskey, love, sex and dances.

Cherry Poppoin' Daddies

The snake came, served a glass of “Whiskey Jack” and it fell the riot of the suited ones. In the crowd – bower hats and braces, on the stage – “zoot suits”, Steve sings and rages, the other Daddies were throwing the wild soundtrack with solid wind section while the mad Dustin Lanker was twisting face and braking poses and at the same time torturing the keyboards. Colour band, colour crowd, freaked out gal at the right loudspeakers, moshpit that at the same time was overflowing in leaps and dances to turn back to the friendly jostling, stage surfing and hundreds of sweaty bodies were melting together in an audiovisual swing trip until midnight. And when the people were leaving wet, pleased and drunk of the music and the different substances it appeared that not only they were crashed by the wild party. “Blue Box” stood on different metal blasts lately but the hot atmosphere of the American club music took its life out. Yes, the concert was over and one board off the wainscoting of the ceiling was gently shaking, absorbed the rhythm of the swing.

Report: Ivaylo Alexandrov

Photos: Victor Alexandrov

More photos are available in the GALLERY.

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