How the Ligh Was Darkened…

Weeks after the cancellation of a few metal concerts in Bulgaria, it was confirmed that Krisiun and some brutal metal colleagues of theirs will visit Sofia. Some days before the show the details about the organization came clear, and it’s a pity that we met several problems again…

The presence of another community center in Sofia called “Light” confused many of the fans and a big part of them missed some of the bands, rambling between the quarters of town. The confusion became even bigger with the wrong information on the tickets for the concert.В В В  The starting hour was also changed and the bands began their playing with a delay of 60 minutes. This did not scare the fans who were there. When we talk about their number, we can be sorry again, because it was clear that there are less then 70 metalheads in the hall…В В 

With any winds off, as Estuary did it, we can relate about the music wonders that the scanty audience saw. Everyone who didn’t know the members of this American band was startled of the fact that behind the vocals there’s not a screaming man with long blond main, but a woman whose voice was coming from the depths of the earth… Absolutely uncompromising riffs excavated the skulls of the unsuspecting fan base from the first minute to the final descent of the stage by the band, 20 minutes later. We should mark that the rhythm was brutal, and the melodies – fierce and savage.


The tuning of the instruments and the microphones was made fast, and the second band for the evening began its set. The Greeks Inactive Messiah are not the most famous ones, but they were happy to see the people in front of the stage moving around. It is senseless to talk about their music. It should be heard – brutality from every note! And although their vocalist Xristos looked almost as Vile Vallo, his voice succeeded to impress the fans.

Inactive Messiah

After a while Incantation came out. The Americans, in their modest membership of three people, drove in one of the nails of this October evening. With ease they played for almost an hour, and resting was the last thing musicians thought for. The tempo was on its highest level, while we were trying to give meaning to what was happening to the instruments in front of our eyes.


In spite of the people who were gaining power after this music, the most of the audience stayed languid in her reaction. Until this moment we hardly heard some screaming and the pogo was still not brutal enough. It’s clear what changed this…

The lights – blood-red. The Brazilians Krisiun were already on their places, as if they were called to commit a ritual massacre of their Bulgarian fans. And they did it – with unbelievable music, a powerful cover of a Venom’s classic and attitude proper for a last show in their career. Without forgiveness and without compromise, but with mean violent guitar melodies that crack your brain, and drums and bass that smash your skull. With such comparisons we can talk for ages about every song, which we’ve heard for this hour spared in the hall named “Light”.


I can think out many reasons with which I can discharge the lack of interest about this concert, I can accuse of indifference those people who decided to stay outside the community center without paying to listen to the great music inside it, I can charge the promoters in the many confusions, but I won’t do it, because it has no sense. Estuary, Inactive Messiah, Incantation and Krisiun showed what means to give your best in spite of the audience and how to be professional in every case, because there is nothing more important than the music. This can be confirmed by every visitor in the eclipsed “Light”.

Report & pix:В Boyana AtanassovaВ / Tangra Mega Rock

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