Rick Wakeman & Orchestra Live in Plovdiv

This was not a rock concert. It was a chamber performance for lovers of rock music. On the 1st of September, opening the Autumn Hall of the Arts, Rick Wakeman with the help of the musicians from the Opera-Philharmonic Association Plovdiv, held a concert, unique even for him. If you have read the interview in our website, you know that so far he has never played solo piano with a philharmonic orchestra. And with a little help and three months time for preparations, the legendary keyboardist rearranged classical compositions off his (and not only) career to spin in the blizzard of his music the 600 spectators that filled the Concert Hall in Plovdiv. It sounds scary few but the hall is not big too, it is paneled with wooden wainscoting and delivers a compact acoustic cozy and quitting of the noisy world outside. Especially with a guide like this.


“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me for my poor Bulgarian… We’ll start with some fragments of an album I recorded back in 1975 when I was… three years old”. There followed a twenty-minute medley for piano and chamber orchestra from “The Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table”. The evening filled with extraordinary music and the sharp sense of humor, so stereotypically woven in the image of the aging British intellectual. A quite impressive British intellectual. They were eloquent the tiny smiles on the faces of the musicians of the orchestra when in the classical arrangement there sneaked frisky rock and roll passages or larky renaissance accords on the piano. Dressed in dark jacket and trousers, bowed his blond mane and beardy face over the piano, Rick poured the notes of so familiar compositions in unfamiliar and inspiring way. It is impossible to remain indifferent when you are presented some of the wives of Henry VIII. Even how many times have you seen a 5-6 years old boy, torn from his mother’s lap, who sits on the floor and takes up music for a soloist and orchestra?


The talent, the class and the charisma of the musicians are strengthening with the years. And the truly genius ones infect the audience with the magic of their art, making it understandable and impacting for everybody who is ready to hear it. And an opera-philharmonic reading of compositions by pianist with classical education in fact sounds absolutely logical. And it turned up excellent…


While making these thoughts, the short entr’acte was over, Rick Wakeman greeted us again and thanked before he started the second part of his performance, which “consists only of two parts. Which however are veeery long”. Yes, it is long the road to the center of the Earth. Especially when you pass by the hall of the mountain king. A small furor and wild applauses on feet by the spectators. And the second part? “Two pieces that I have not written but I wish I have. They are written by Lennon and McCartney.” “Help” performed by the virtuous pianist, Englishman and a fan of the Liverpool quartet. With the accompaniment of a real chamber orchestra. And under the ornate musical ornaments there stole the accords of “Eleanor Rigby”. Last notes and the hall burst in applauses and cheers. How not to give us a few more minutes of music?


The last minutes of the first evening of the Hall of the Arts. Rick Wakeman and the Plovdiv choir and orchestra conducted by Kiril Lambov, performed a concert that even Rick will remember for long as he admitted himself. Then he got out in the entrГ©e to take pictures with fans, to sign CDs, posters and to talk heartily with everybody who wished to. Personally, with attitude, attention and a smile. And to thank to the audience. “Why I am not taking you everywhere?” I don’t mind…

Report:В Ivaylo AlexandrovВ 

Photos:В Victor AlexandrovВ 

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