SOFIA UBER ALLES – The Deutsch Metal invasion, Chapter 1

GRAVE DIGGER, SODOM, Granulom, Symbolic
7.02.2009 Sofia,В “Hristo Botev” hallВ 

words by Stefan Topuzov, photo: Victor Alexandrov.

The always strong love and friendship between the BULGARIAN and GERMAN peoples drew around 2 to 3 thousand people to SofiaВґs “Hristo Botev” hall on Saturday.

ItВґs not like anyone had come earlier but the whole thing started at least 40 minutes later anyway, as the support bands were still doing their soundcheck at the announced start time for the show. But, as our German guests would put it – “ihre leuchtturm-schmerzen?”

First are SYMBOLIC who, in front of a semi full hall, unleash their quite awesome thrash-death-whatever metal. From Varna! Songs from “Mea Culpa” dominate the set as the band displays a perfect balance of fastass thrash parts, death metal blast beats and sometimes borderline heavy metal singing.

SYMBOLIC се задоволяват 

It beats me how this band is satisfied with playing mostly in their hometown and the occasional appearance as the (first) support band for some big names visiting Bulgaria (they also played first before Napalm DeathВ in Kavarna).

Next were GRANULOM, who… played as well.

GRANULOM - Надето си оценява маникюра

Then SODOM appear on stage and after a fairly short and fuss-free soundcheck they get on the horses.

…The big, metal, fire-breathing kind of horses, equipped with a small portable (German) artillery! They start off with “Napalm in the Morning – a little slower but a definite crowd pleaser that makes everyone sing along. There’s no mercy onward, though – “The Saw is the Law”, “Fuck the Police”, “Outbreak of Evil”… one punch after another!


Tom Angelripper doesn’t miss reminding the audience that it is the most fucking amazing one.

“This is the best place for metal”, claims Uncle Tom, not really knowing what lies beyond the 3,000 people they usually gather at shows here. But we understand the man. After all reliable sources report that SODOM don’t seem to be gathering that many big crowds of devoted fans elsewhere.

There is also an encore. It is dedicated to the American President. His mention alone creates an outbreak of spontaneous booing that forces Tom to play the situation down (before anyone, in an act of sympathy to his favorite duner place, decides to burn an American flag or throw a shoe at a security guy).

“I meant the new one!” The encore itself was “Remember the Fallen”, which is Sodoms’ plead to the President to stop the war.

Софиянци обичат метъл

After SODOM we have the highlight of the evening – a team of provocatively dressed young ladies takes the stage under the sound of samples from various metal classics (Pantera mostly). They dance for around ten minutes in front of a crowd of drooling drunk, hairy and sweaty metal consumers. “Wie man Bulgarien nicht liebt?!”

бахти, къдйи ми и убицъта?

Then it’s time for the headliners themselves – GRAVE DIGGER. It starts off with “Gallows Pole” which makes the entire crowd sing along. And under the sound of this 3,000 strong chorus the Germans come out and nail the awesome “Ballad of a Hangman”.

Heavy metal, motherfucker! Awesome playing, classic posing and a cult vocalist whose voice sonically overcomes the music (in this case – fairly heavy). By the numbers. And performed in a typically German perfect fashion.

The dudes take a ride through their discography, for the bliss of their (obviously) very big fanbase here, that had waited some 25 years for them to finally come in Bulgaria.

There is also a trilogy of encores – “The Round Table (Forever)”, “Pray” and “Heavy Metal Breakdown”. Bows, thankyous and then at midnight – everyone goes home! That was a fairly good German night in Sofia. A second one is to follow…


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