A PERFECT CIRCLE – ‘Eat the Elephant’ (2018)

  • Label:
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Никола Шахпазов

First encounter with the new A PERFECT CIRCLE release is by no means an easy one. Initial reaction being: “Fuck me, I hope music is better than the cover art!”. For the grim, Gothic-painted Keenan/ Howerdel hybrid holding an oozy octopus in hand is not really the thing we’d like to see.

Still, the quick answer to all this anguished questions is: praised be all the gods – things are not quite as catastrophical as they might seem. Yet, this is by no means the A PERFECT CIRCLE album we’ve been waiting for 14 (!) or even 15 (!!!) years now, considering their last proper release was indeed ‘Thirteenth Step’.
Besides not being world’s heaviest band, A PERFECT CIRCLE have never yet been quite as light – even album self titled opener sounds like a track that could easily be stampled by any outtake from ‘Mer de Noms’. Just like a Hannibal elephant making its was to Rome.
Some critics were quick to name this “a sign of growing up” for the band and have some right doing so – band seems to take risks, Keenan’s vocals are strong and confident, while lyrics tackle pretty much every aspect of our existence – from social inequality to dependence on new technology. Still, ‘Eat the Elephant’ is as involving as a well-rounded rock by the side of the sideway.
Besides any pretence for deepness and message (and besides Keenan’s splendid vocals), tracks like ‘The Contrarian’ and ‘Hourglass’ are just bland and almost laughable with their take on piano pop and even hip hop.
Of course, the occasional rock structure and guitar lead, as well as A PERFECT CIRCLE’s star line-up guarantee that this is by no means a terrible album. And that’s the exact reason why we’ve been spinning ‘Disillusioned’ and ‘Feathers’ for the second, third and fifth time already. Still, all the OK moments could hardly make this the follow-up to ‘Thirteenth Step’ we prayed for. Dammit.