BENEDICTION Killing Music (2008)

  • Label:
    Nuclear Blast / Wizard
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Стефан Топузов

It took Benediction way too long to come out with a follow up to “Organised Chaos” (2001). Seven years are a lot and probably only Testament have a longer pause between albums. The Englishmen on the other hand never stopped crushing as we ourselves saw at “20 Years Nuclear Blast Festival” last November. Well now there’s a new carnage coming to Bulgaria and Benediction have a new album.

To put it shortly “Killing Music” is exactly what is expected from this band. No surprises, no developments forwards, backwards, sideways… Who cares? The thing is a monster! It starts off with a short and misleadingly quiet intro before the first Roswell-themed meat grinder “Little Grey Men” kicks in. And from here on things continue in the same spirit until the album’s last note. “They Must Die Screaming” hits hard with double bass drums, that develop into a cool twisted melodic riff. In “Wrath and Regret” we have a fine example of stop’n go riffing that leaves you hanging on the edge of a cliff before kicking you in the balls once again. “Beg, You Dogs” is the short grindcore punch of the album and the last one that’s not a cover. “Seeing Through Your Eyes” by English street punks Broken Bones gives the album a refreshing punk rock vibe. Grindcore homage is also paid to crust punk forefathers Amebix with the last track “Largactyl!”.

The album doesn’t get boring. Quite the contrary – without losing focus with weird experiments, it unleashes the whole arsenal of brutal practices that oldschool death metal possesses. Production is a bit raw but somehow fitting for the overall brutality. Dave Hunt’s vocals may not seem as the best he’s ever done but are by no means annoying.

Without being any kind of a blast that would shake the foundations of the genre “Killing Music” will suit the casual death metal fan that pledges allegiance to Obituary, Deicide, old Sepultura and the likes. And Benediction definitely have the means to crush our skulls on October 17th.