Less than an year ago we reviewed the final Pink Floyd chapter – ‘The Endless River’, dubbing it a rather pleasant release. There was, however, one notable flaw – Gilmour and Polly Samson’s “Louder Than Words” – a song completely out of place among the otherwise completely instrumental pieces. Now we’re even more certain that the song should have been left out of the PF discography and included in Gilmour’s fourth solo effort instead – which, despite its moments, we find rather disappointing.
Gilmour’s characteristic bluesy guitar style is still the most pleasing thing here – and we could really, really listen to him playing one them after the other for hours and hours. And maybe that’s the reason we go back to the album’s instrumental pieces (three of those – “5 A.M.”, “Beauty” и “And Then…”) again and again. Still, they play little part in the album and cannot really influence our opinion.