Sometimes it’s good to kick back with an album for which the only agenda is to execute good rock music with no signs of contemporary plagues. Well, that’s what DH are trying to do, but unfortunately: a) it’s not the 80’s anymore, and b) nobody really seems to care about these NWOBHM heroes anymore. The latter, of course, is not an issue if we try to put down a decent, rather objective review, which is why the truth demands to mention that “What’s in Your Head?” has been the best Diamond Head album since their debut some 27 years ago, “Lightning to the Nations”, featuring the legendary “Am I Evil?” and “Electric”, later covered by the then-mighty Metallica.
Wow, I hear you say. Smirk! Yes! Correct. I’m not on drugs. So why the rate is only 3.75, the next question is mouthed. Because, dear, despite the excellent production and the Zeppelin-like rock’n’roll tunes, this CD remains useless. Nowadays we have myriads of great bands doing the same a lot more successfully. Everything here is replicated, with too long songs and too late introduced dynamics. Looks like a watercolor picture compared to some classy 2007 albums and that really sucks.
After Sean Harris left for good a few years ago, Diamond Head seem to resurrect in a way, but sadly I can’t say this is the same band I adored as an angry young man, banging my head brainless to the chorus of “Am I Evil?”…