MANIACAL PICTURES …and Whispering (2008)

  • Label:
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Стефан Топузов

Maniacal Pictures are a band with over 10 years of history. The group consists of Nikola Nietresta (bass & vocals), Kamen “Stoney” (guitars; also in Another Day, bass in G.O.T.C.), and Valentin (drums; also in Cold Breath). They play melodic punk rock and are from Varna, Bulgaria. The dudes have a full-length album behind their backs, “Circles” (2005), and despite being together for a long time and playing rather frequently at various punk and hardcore festivals throughout the country, it seems not many people know them. That’s a pity, because, as we can see from the EP “…And Whispering”, they’re a pretty good band.

The first thing that we hear as we put the CD into the stereo is an instrumental intro where Stoney shreds some pretty decent solos. Next is the title track where the vocals kick in and you are fully sunk into the band’s music. A few listens are required to get used to Nikola’s singing, but once you do you realise it’s a big part of the band’s charm. The songs are 3-4 minutes long and each one has something that makes is stand out, which is a huge plus for the CD.

Because the dudes play melodic punk rock (and are from Varna!), the comparisons with their city mates Crowfish are kinda inevitable. However, Maniacal Pictures have a little more technical approach to their instruments and definitely do have their own unique sound. And as I mentioned the guitars – throughout the 5 songs of the EP you can hear some really interesting things from them that are in contrast with the popular perception that punk rock (even the melodic kind) is something simple and raw. Stoney pretty much owns many other guitarists who play in supposedly “more serious” genres.

“…And Whispering” is a nice reason for more people to give attention to Maniacal Pictures and like them, because the band does deserve that. Besides, the EP is a really serious sign of a forthcoming full-length album and – hopefully! – a brighter future.