MANIC STREET PREACHERS Send Away the Tigers (2007)

  • Label:
    Columbia Records
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Стефан Йорданов

Full credit to the Manics, who still create their music in the tall shadow of their glorious past! Once again they prove that the tide of popular and often very critical opinion on them after guitar player Richey James Edwards mysteriously disappeared matters not when it comes to art. No stirring polemics can delete what this band has done through the years.

Richey disappeared from the Embassy Hotel in London after checking out at 7 a.m. His car was found abandoned on February 14, 1995 near the Severn Bridge going into Wales. He was never seen again. But this article has nothing to do with “Necronomion” – the weekly radio show you dig most on Tangra Mega Rock. It’s going to deal with a band that supremely overcame a tragedy and somehow succeeded in being “something”. A Welsh band. And being aware of what Wales is capable of, the least we advise you to do is to underestimate the capability of this band.

“Send Away the Tigers” will hopefully do justice to the Manics, who, let’s face it, did lots of mistakes during their leap from punk rock to the much associated with them Brit-pop scene. It has the sense of spiritual freedom sorely missing in their last albums. Some of the songs are pulsating and furious (“Rendition”), while others enhance the nostalgic feelings of loss (“The Second Great Depression”). Nina Persson of The Cardigans does a fantastic vocal work on “Your Love Is Not Enough”, and “Imperial Bodybags”, quite on the contrary, reminds of the best Thin Lizzy ragged garage grooves.

Anyone who has already made their minds surely doesn’t need any of my recommendations, but to all open-minded and prejudice-free individuals out there, this album will be a nice trip. Enjoy.