ORANGE GOBLIN Healing Through Fire (2007)

  • Label:
    Sanctuary Records
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Мартин Петров

After the successful “The Big Black”, Orange Goblin’s following releases somehow turned pale and left thousands of fans unsatisfied. This gap was seven years and two albums long – “Coup de Grace” and “Thieving from the House of God”. Two albums that will never get much attention from the audience, neither high rates.

“Healing Through Fire”, however, is truly a sign that London’s four doomsters are back on the track. Of course there’s a slight change. Orange Goblin are now under the label of Sancuary Records and that’s probably the cause for it, especially when talking about guitars. Nowadays the Brits have gone more metal and actually manage to do their job great. Temperately distrorted guitars and growling is what refreshes the whole picture, darker than ever.

The new full-length album has the best production so far and maybe also the most complex songs that band has ever written. No filler tracks at all – just serious, heavy hits!

Orange Goblin completely left behind any space rock influences right away with Lee Dorrian’s Rise Above Records. The guys now turned to the homogeneous mixture of blues and metal, which is the main substance of the nine doom pearls on this CD. The only negative thing in it is the banal cover artwork.