RIVERSIDE Rapid Eye Movement (2007)

For a short time, with great albums and charismatic attendance, Riverside became Р° favorite artist to many people. Many metallers recognized them as a close band, and meanwhile fans of other genres also found beautiful things in their music.

After the stunning beginning with “Out of Myself” and “Second Life Syndrome”, logically the expectations for the end of the trilogy that started four years ago were great. For the “vision” of the new album a hint was given by the release of a CD-single some time earlier, and its qualities booted the skeptics’ spirits. Now “Rapid Eye Movement” is out and, strangely, the reactions are a bit contradictory, although everybody accepts one conclusion – this is the next wonderful album by the Poles.

The main points of view about the content of the album are two. Both of them are concordant with the previous inference, but the first is that the album can’t be better – it is unique and the best one by Riverside so far – while the other is that there is no development in the sound anymore and the band has stopped on one place, although showing certain class.

After trying to go deep into the essence of the music in “Rapid Eye Movement”, my opinion stands somewhere between these extremes. In the album there is the typical core of Riverside’s music that makes you bristle up when you hear the first seconds of a song, but also uniformity that is part of their work for the first time. This conflict confuses, because it disturbs the clear estimation. The deduction leads us to thoughts that it isn’t possible to have such when talking about Riverside.

Except everything else, the album is divided in two parts (Fearless and Fearland), both having their own great moments and boring minutes. They are filled with wonderful, calm and scatty melodies, which are only the padding of a nine-floor cake. The best song in Fearless (songs 1-5) is “Schizophrenic Prayer”, and in Fearland (songs 6-9) the leadership is for “Ultimate Trip”. This honor for them is subjective, of course, but it is near to the truth… if there is one. We are also impressed by the silver-tongued voice of Mariusz Duda, which is the guide through the labyrinth of emotions called “Rapid Eye Movement”.

The review of such an album, the same as the album itself, is not adequate and it will be difficult for the readers to make an opinion about its qualities. They are here again, but everybody should decide if they are good enough for him.