06 August 2008

A tape recording of The Beatles that was recently discovered in a Liverpool attic has sold for $23,000. The tape features John Lennon and Paul McCartney bursting into giggles as they try to finish “I’ll Follow the Sun” The half-hour, reel-to-reel tape was recorded in 1964 and also includes theВ songs “I Feel Fine” “I’m a […]

06 August 2008

Kings Of Leon have confirmed the tracklisting of their fourth album “Only By The Night”, whichВ is to beВ released on September 22 The album features the following 11 songs: CloserCrawlSex On FireUse SomebodyManhattanRevelrySeventeenNotionI Want YouBe SomebodyCold Desert “We took some risks but you have to make a record you’re pleased with, you can’t worry about anybody […]

06 August 2008

Title of the forthcomingВ covers album is to be “For The Lions”.В It includes songs from Metallica, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Misfits, Obituary and Madball. Expect it at the end of October.

06 August 2008

Nine Inch Nails are to have their album “The Downward Spiral” released on vinyl next month. NIИ are not the onlyВ band who prefer to release LP’s. Metallica did the same with their back catalogue only a few months ago. According to “Nielsen Soundscan” last year the vinyl sales went up to 1 000 000 copies […]

06 August 2008

A song that isВ suspected to be a collaboration between Muse and The Streets has leaked over the internet. The song is called “Who Knows Who” and can be downloaded for free from here The song features a crunching Rage Against The Machine-style riff with The Streets‘ Mike Skinner rapping frenetically over the top.

06 August 2008

There are rumours that the band does not exist anymore, although nothing’s been officially confirmed. Wolfmother from Australia have released only one album so far, “Wolfmother”, in 2006, which became golden on both sides of The Pond.

05 August 2008

AFI‘s Davey Havoc has startedВ  his own fashion label called Zu Boutique. This willВ mainly focusВ on t-shirt designs, each one limited to 100, numbered fromВ 0 to 99.

05 August 2008

Uli John Roth releases newВ CD “Under A Dark Sky” through SPV on September 22-nd. This is theВ first release in the “Symphonic Legends” series which happens to beВ a conceptualВ cycle of music written by Roth following his “Sky Of Avalon” project.

05 August 2008

“The Clash Live At Shea Stadium” CD and “The Clash Live: Revolution Rock” DVD are about to be releasedВ on October 6th. The first was recorded at the famous New York venue in 1982, when the band opened for The Who, while the latter features rare and previously unseen live performances and interviews.

05 August 2008

Logically, there will be especially designed ROCK stage on Spirit of Burgas festival, which is going to happen between Aug.15th and 17th (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in Burgas, Bulgaria One more time it has been proven again during the recent months that the most loyal defenders of their music and ideas (in Bulgaria too) are […]