The bitter war of words between former FEAR FACTORY bandmates Burton C Bell and Dino Cazares makes for great headlines, but it’s in danger of overshadowing what really matters: the music. It’s a shame, because FEAR FACTORY have just released the first single from their upcoming album, Aggression Continuum – and it slams. A quick recap: […]
Paul McCartney has just released McCartney III Imagined, his new album of covers and remixes by St. Vincent, Damon Albarn, Josh Homme, and many other marquee artists. Stream it via Apple Music or Spotify. If the title didn’t make it obvious, this new LP was composed entirely by other musicians as they reimagine McCartney III, […]
Нашият ВИЛИ СТОЯНОВ днес ще се представи почти като възрастна и енигматична госпожа от ромски произход, която ще ви подложи на хипноза в шатрата на нашия пролетен панаир. Новото издание на ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’ ще бъде посветено на HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE. ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’ се излъчва на живо всеки четвъртък от 14:00 по радио ТАНГРА МЕГА РОК и има множество повторения – вижте в нашата програма. Все […]
ARCADE FIRE have released a 45-minute instrumental track called “Memories of the Age of Anxiety”. The catch? You can only hear it on the meditation app Headspace. The song is technically a partnership between the Canadian indie-rock legends and the mindfulness company, whose popular app features all sorts of sounds for relaxation and/or concentration. […]
VELIAN направиха премиера на новата си песен ‘Star of Mine’, като я представиха с текст-видео. Песента ще бъде включена в предстоящия втори албум на българската метъл група. Наследникът на “Godless” (2019) трябваше да излезе още преди година – на 30 април 2020, но поради невъзможността да бъде представен на живо на концерти, беше отложен за неопределено време. Вместо това, VELIAN пускат сингъл […]
Three great new songs enter the TANGRA TOP 40 this week. ЖИГУЛИ – Искам роля MICK JAGGER & DAVE GROHL – Eazy Sleazy GOJIRA – Into The Storm Vote here.
A hell lot of fantastic metal sounds will be on VASSIL VARBANOV‘s metal show on TANGRA MEGA ROCK this week! The new releases of the likes of ARABROT (pictured), ARION, ZAO and more… Play it LOUD! TANGRA METAL SHOCK kicks off at 2 pm BG time on Thursday!
Слънчевият ВАСКО РАЙКОВ и двамата му верни съучастници – БАНКОВ & БОДЛЬОВ са готови за ново ударно издание на ‘ПРИШЪЛЕЦЪТ 2112’. При тях в студиото ще се появят и HELLION STONE, за да представят новия си сингъл… ‘ПРИШЪЛЕЦЪТ 2112’ започва в четвъртък в 16:00 БГ време – има и множество повторения – вижте в НАШАТА ПРОГРАМА.
QUICKSAND have returned with a brand new single and music video called “Inversion.” The song is the follow up to the band’s 2017 studio album “Interiors”. Frontman Walter Schreifels had this to say, “The music to ‘Inversion’ was very squatter punk at first. To get something going vocally I started singing in an English Niel […]
ROLLING STONES frontman Mick Jagger and FOO FIGHTERS leader Dave Grohl have combined their considerable forces for a new single, Eazy Sleazy. The tongue-in-cheek rocker pokes fun at modern existence, reflecting on a world filled with zoom calls, cancelled tours, fake applause at sporting events and cooking lessons. Jagger‘s lyrics also takes on the […]