В петък отбелязахме 78 години от раждането на великия ГЕОРГИ МИНЧЕВ, а сега ще имаме цяла Седмица посветена на него по радиото! ГОШО МИНЧЕВ е епоха в българския рок и българската музика като цяло. Загубихме го едва 57-годишен на 18 февруари 2001, но песните му продължават да са с нас: …важното в живота е приятели да имаш […]
On today’s edition of his ZOO radio show, ANDREY VLADOV will present some fantastic new sounds of the likes of: – MIKE DILLON; – tUnE-yArDs (pictured); – WRITHING SQUARES; – GENESIS OWUSU; The ‘ZOO SHOW’ kicks off on Monday at 4 pm BG time (3 pm CET) on radio Tangra Mega Rock. It has several reruns during the week – for details check HERE…
Тази вечер ГЛАВЕН ГЕРОЙ в предаването ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ по БНТ ще бъде писателят ГЕОРГИ ГОСПОДИНОВ. Водещият ВАСИЛ ВЪРБАНОВ няма да пропусне въпросите клише за тъга и меланхолия, а освен това, по всяка вероятност ще насочи разговора и към четенето на книги и ползата от това… Гледайте в събота в 22:00 по БНТ1. Не пропускайте ГЕОРГИ ГОСПОДИНОВ в ‘МОЯТ ПЛЕЙЛИСТ’ тази събота в 22:00 по БНТ1! Снимка: […]
Former STYX singer Dennis DeYoung throws caution to the wind with the video for his new single, the six-minute plus Isle Of Misanthrope. It’s taken from his upcoming album 26 East Vol. 2, which will be released through Frontiers Records on June the follow-up to the well-received 26 East Vol. 1 which was released last year. […]
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE have rescheduled their reunion tour for 2022. The hard rock band had been set to embark on their first outing together in a decade beginning in March 2020, but were forced to postpone those plans due to the pandemic. They had initially rescheduled the dates for 2021, but as the […]
Днес умеещият да разказва весели и поучителни истории ВИЛИ СТОЯНОВ ще направи едно извънредно бляскаво издание на ‘BRAZZ JAMBOREE’, в което ще ни потопи в света на анимационните филми! Позната в индустрията като ‘Майки Маузинг’, това е концепция за писане в музиката, толкова тясно свързана с картината, че понякога темпото, динамиката, тембъра и цялостното настроение се сменят за милисекунди, за […]
Founding SABATON guitarist Rikard Sundén, who played with the band from 1999 until 2012, has been jailed for nine months for sexually abusing an eight-year-old friend of his daughter at his home in Falun, Sweden in February 2020. Father-of-three Sundén, 39, was jailed for nine months, and must pay damages of SEK 53,400 (approximately £4,550) after being […]
Armed with a blistering, aggressive new single “Nowhere Generation”, the multi-platinum, politically imbued punk rockers RISE AGAINST celebrate the track’s catapulting into the Top 25 on Billboard’s Mainstream Rock chart and Top 30 on Billboard’s Alternative charts in only its third week of release. A new performance music video of “Nowhere Generation” can be seen […]
FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl has announced he has a memoir, “The Storyteller,” on the way, set to be released in October. Published by Dey Street Books – a HarperCollins imprint — and out Oct. 5, the book is described as a celebration of music and a collection of life stories from the legendary rocker. […]
Four great new songs enter the TANGRA TOP 40 this week. HELLOWEEN – Skyfall ELECTRIC DRAGON – FOMO TROPE – Pareidolia ME AND MY DEVIL – Oceanbag Vote here.