KYPCK – Erkki SeppГ¤nen

“We’re definitely a real band, not just some project.”

Vocalist Erkki SeppГ¤nen presents Kypck (read it “Kursk”) – the new “fast-Russian-doom-metal-from-Finland” band also featuring guitarist Sami Lopakka (Sentenced), drummer/producer Hiili Hiilesmaa, and bassist Jaakko YlГ¤-Rautio. In March 2008 their debut album “Cherno” (meaning “Black”) saw the light of day…

Vassil Varbanov: Let’s start with this: Are there any other bands in Finland that sing in Russian?

Erkki SeppГ¤nen: As far as I know, there aren’t any. We’re the only one at the moment.

V. V.: And why the hell do you sing in Russian?

E. S.: I think the question is, “Why not?” I think pretty much everything else has been tried in Finland, so the next obvious choice was to do it in Russian. I’ve been studying Russian for ten years, I lived there for two and a half years, I’m a big fan of Russian literature, I like Russian themes in history… so I thought it was a great idea.

V. V.: Is this intended to appeal to the vast Russian market?

E. S.: I don’t know… Since we sing in Russian, we obviously want to go and play there – it’s gonna happen somewhere in September or October. I don’t know whether it will appeal to the masses, because metal is still pretty much underground in Russia, but we want to find those people who like metal in Russia.

V. V.: Have you met people who read your band’s name not Kursk, as it should be, but Kypck?

E. S.: Only a few, but I think they were doing it on purpose, just to piss us off. I think everybody understands that it’s meant to be pronounced Kursk.

V. V.: We can read on the Internet that you’ve worked at the embassy in Russia…?

E. S.: Yes, for about six months I worked in the Finnish embassy in Moscow, at the visa department. I didn’t like it too much, but it gave me a chance to go to Russia.

V. V.: Were you spying for Finland?

E. S.: Oh, I can’t give out that kind of information.

V. V.: Who did kill Litvinenko then?

E. S.: I’m actually trying to find that out myself, but so far I don’t have any new information.

V. V.: Now tell us please something more about the other guys in the band.

E. S.: It’s me and Sami and Hiili and Jaakko. We’re definitely a real band, not just some project, and we’re gonna go into the studio this winter to record our second album. The idea came actually first from Hiili and Sami, and afterwards me and Jaakko joined the group.

V. V.: What do you prefer – Russian vodka or vodka Finlandia?

E. S.: Russian vodka – it’s much softer. The only good vodka in Finland is Kostinkorva.

V. V.: Do you think that Kypck has any other future than singing in Russian?

E. S.: No. The language of Kypck will always be Russian. We’ll just keep on developing things and maybe go deeper into history. Russian will always be somehow present in Kypck, and I don’t think this is a limitation. I can write about anything – I just do it in Russian.

V. V.: Who were you cheering for at the Euro 2008?

E. S.: For Spain, and I got very lucky, because they won.

V. V.: Yes, they won against Russia!

E. S.: Yes, but Russia won in hockey and at the Eurovision, so it would have been too much if they had won in soccer, too.

Copyright: Tangra Mega Rock

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