SLAYER’s KERRY KING And Wife Relocate To New York City

SLAYER guitarist Kerry King and his wife have relocated to New York City.

Ayesha King broke the news of the move in an Instagram post earlier today. She wrote: “I suppose it’s time to tell you all that the King and I have moved to NYC ( back home for me, excited to be near my family again ). I figured I’d beat some acquaintance’s friend buddy who it heard it from a guy to announce it and think he’s cool. I served my time on the west coast for 18 years. Time to be back in the best city on earth.”

It was reported back in April 2020 that Kerry and his wife paid $3.81 million for a home in a section of the Las Vegas Valley known as Enterprise. Clark County property records still list the couple as the owners of the 5,116-square-foot house.

Last month, Kerry made headlines in the metal world when he said that SLAYER retired “too early.” While recording a short video message to congratulate MACHINE HEAD on the San Francisco Bay Area act’s 30th anniversary, SLAYER’s founding guitarist said: “So, I hear congratulations are in order for my friends in MACHINE HEAD. Apparently, it’s 30 years, which is quite an achievement. Not a lot of bands get there. We did, and then we quit too early. Fuck us. Fuck me. I hate fucking not playing.”

SLAYER played the final show of its farewell tour in November 2019 at the Forum in Los Angeles. One day later, Ayesha said that there is “not a chance in hell” that the thrash metal icons will reunite for more live appearances. In August 2020, she once again shot down the possibility of her husband and bassist/vocalist Tom Araya sharing the stage ever again under the SLAYER banner.
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