THE POMORIANS and ARTERY frontman YANKO suffered a stroke

YANKO BREKOV (pictured) – the frontman of THE POMORIANS and ARTERY has sufferd a stroke, his family revealed.

His sister MARINA posted the following message on social media:

Hello dear friends!
My brother Yanko Brekov had a stroke.
He is going through painful and very difficult times.
My family and I decided to open a bank account because his recovery will take time, and it’s going to be a long battle for us.
A lot of his friends from all over the world called and wrote to me asking to do that, so they can help, support and be with him through this healing period.
Thank you so much!
Marina Brekova, his sister
Revolut: @brekova
IBAN (ОББ): BG79UBBS80021036505140
IBAN (Revolut): LT843250092807579405
Marina Brekova
