A day after DIMMU BORGIR headlined the main stage at Dynamo Metal Fest in Eindhoven, The Netherlands on August 17, 2024, lead guitarist Galder (real name Thomas Rune Anderson) announced his departure from the band by issuing the following statement on social media: “Yesterday I Played my last show with Dimmu Borgir. After almost […]
Лятото навлиза в решаващата си фаза, а любимото ви радио ще продължи да създава Уместен звуков и емоционален фон на вашия живот! Тази седмица е посветена на най-силните моменти в още две наши ключови предавания – ‘НЕКРОНОМИКОН‘ на Д-Р СТИФЕНЩАЙН и ‘ПРИШЪЛЕЦЪТ 2112’ на ВАСКО РАЙКОВ! Не ги пропускате – от понеделник до сряда: 12:00 – мистериите, мрака и дълбочината на ‘НЕКРОНОМИКОН’ 14:00 […]
DARK TRANQUILLITY’s latest studio album, Endtime Signals, has officially dropped. Alongside the album’s release, the band premiered a music video for the track “Wayward Eyes.” The visually striking video was directed by Patric Ullaeus, known for his work with ARCH ENEMY and IN FLAMES. You can check out the video below.
ПЕТЪР МИЛАНОВ е починал днес след бързо развило се тежко заболяване, съобщиха негови близки. 66-годишният съосновател и директор на фондация “Димитър Воев – Нова Генерация” беше журналист и общественик, а напоследък и член на парламента. Опелото ще се състои утре, неделя, от 16.00 в столичния храм “Св. Успение Богородично” на пл. “Ручей”. Ето и последното ни интервю с ПЕТЪР от пролетта на 2022. […]
ODD CREW are streaming online in full ‘The Wet Acoustic Live’ – watch below. It was filmed during the band’s concert at Sofia’s Monkeyhouse open air stage on15 June 2023. Misho Shishkov (slide guitar), Vili Stoyanov (trombone) and Bora Dokle (fiddle and vocals) are the guest musicians on the show.
Rock music stalwarts SEETHER have released the official music video for their current Top 10 rock hit “Judas Mind”. The clip, which was directed by David Brodsky for My Good Eye Music Visuals and produced by Allison Woest, can be seen below. The blistering single, the lead track off the band’s upcoming studio album “The […]
Marilyn Manson has released another new song, “Raise The Red Flag”. The track, which can be streamed below, is the second piece of music to be issued by the shock rocker, following the arrival of “As Sick As The Secrets Within” earlier in the month. Manson returned to the stage August 2 for his first […]
Jack Russell, the former frontman of GREAT WHITE, has died at the age of 63. The news comes just a month after Russell announced his retirement from touring, having been diagnosed with two degenerative conditions, Lewy Body Dementia and Multiple System Atrophy. Confirmation of Russell‘s passing came in a statement released on social media, which […]
Както вече съобщихме, MADBALL ще свирят в София на 11 октомври. В щоуто в клуб *MIXTAPE 5*, което се организира от 141, ще се включат още три много силни групи, които участват в цялото източноевропийско турне на MADBALL. Това са добре познатите на българските фенове NASTY и BORN FROM PAIN, както и новосформираната кросоувър банда PRIMITIVE DEAD от Северна Македония. Билетите Ранно пиле бяха изчерпани за 48 часа […]
A hell lot of fantastic metal sounds will be on VASSIL VARBANOV‘s metal show on TANGRA MEGA ROCK this week! It’s going mainly to be the new albums of SIAMESE, MUSHROOMHEAD, HAMMERFALL, GRINSPOON, CATEGORY 7 (pictured) and more. TANGRA METAL SHOCK kicks off at 2 pm BG time on Thursday!