PENNYWISE Reason to Believe (2008)

  • Label:
    MySpace Records
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Стефан Топузов

MySpace having a label and releasing music is something I found out around this album’s release. Apparently Pennywise don’t have problems orienting in the modern world, as they have provided their album to the people for free, via the world’s most popular social network. And they would’ve downloaded it anyway… But I don’t think any of us would have a problem if more bands decided to release their albums like that.

By the way, “Reason to Believe” isn’t some piece of trash they’re giving away for free because no one would buy it otherwise. We all know Pennywise play it safe and haven’t moved to anywhere with their style for years… although some of their albums turn out better than others. Well, unlike 2005’s “The Fuse”, which was kinda weak, this time around the album is pretty good.

From the opener “(Intro) As Long As We Can” until he closing track “Die for You” the expected angry punk rock songs pour on us with some being better than others. The album sets some interesting questions about the meaning of existence, telling stories about people who’re searching for a reason (“One Reason”) after having their perception of good and evil shattered (“Confusion”). These two songs are among the ones that show Pennywise in their best light, too. And looking at the album title and song names, I can’t help thinking about Bad Religion’s “The Process of Belief” (2002)…

As a whole, Pennywise have managed to create an album that serves their good name, but isn’t anything out of this world either. Fans of the genre will swallow this with thirst. People who haven’t been that much into the band before might get hooked too, as “Reason to Believe” displays an awesome band playing their game at a high level.