RINGO STARR Liverpool 8 (2008)

  • Label:
  • Released:
  • Author:
    Ивайло Александров

Although he is maybe the least loved of the fabulous four in Liverpool, Ringo Starr dedicates his new album to his city and its residents. Even the front cover carries us into a nostalgic and warm leap to the days when the Beatle-to-be has wandered the streets of the European Capital of Culture for 2008.

Тhe different generations of fans of Ringo know perfectly well what his music sounds like. Diverting songs weaved by a nice sense of humour, the familiar voice, and danceable melodies that seem to stay in your mind for a walk and remind you to get in mood by pushing the “Play” button.

Nostalgia for the golden days (and probably for the youth) exhales of most of the songs on the album. The opening title track traces the flight of “those four boys of Liverpool”. Rhythmical and memorable, it is also the first single off the CD. “Gone Are the Days” tells of the good old times; “Pasodobles” bears the mellowed savour of a memory for a hot Spanish summer, and “R U Ready?” closes the album with a jolly vaudeville performance as if crawled out of some cabaret from the dawn of the sounded cinema.

Generally we have joyful and easy music like Ringo rather plays than tries hard, but even calm and light, the tracks sound mature enough to approach seriously and indulge ourselves to them with pleasure. This is not surprising when on the place of the recently close to our hero Mark Hudson behind the desk stays Dave Stewart of Eurythmics His signature is obvious in the production of the compositions which, with their soft rock rhythm and ornaments, raise seriously the merits of “Liverpool 8”.

It seems it is inevitable for a rock legend recording a new album not to send a filled with nostalgia musical sigh to the days passed by. And when the expectations have not been any different, the CD gains favorable acceptance more easily.